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Spring is here and soon enough the temperatures will begin to consistently stay warm bringing grass, plants and unfortunately ticks. With tick season being right around the corner we thought it might be good to share this article from Modern Dog Magazine about how to help prevent Lyme Disease for yourself and your pets.

Lyme disease can affect both humans and companion animals,” Esteve-Gasent said. “Lyme disease is caused by the bacterial pathogen Borrelia burgdorferi, which is transmitted by Ixodes ticks—also known as blacklegged or deer ticks. The ticks feed on infected animals—mostly wildlife—and, incidentally, feed on humans and companion animals, which spreads Lyme disease.”

Photo credit: Modern Dog Magazine

‘One of the most common signs of Lyme disease in humans is a “bull’s eye” rash on the skin. People who are infected commonly experience flu-like symptoms, including fever and muscle and joint pain. Pets (mostly dogs) that are infected with Lyme disease experience transient fever, anorexia and in some instances arthritis, and can go asymptomatic for long periods of time.” (Modern Dog Magazine)

So what can you do to help prevent the risk of Lyme Disease for you and your pets? Do everything you can to prevent tick bites. Luckily for dogs there is a vaccine but for us humans and our equine pets there aren’t as many options. Here are a few suggestions to help prevent tick bites:

  • Take advantage of vaccines and preventatives when available
  • Wear long pants and socks when outdoors
  • Tape your socks to your pants to avoid access to your skin
  • Keep longer-haired dogs’ coats trimmed to avoid longer hairs for ticks to grab on to
  • Use essential oils and other tick repellant sprays 
  • Do a quick check over after long periods outdoors
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